


Unfortunately we got to Milan late since American Airlines was moving us across western Europe… We got in to the Marriott around 6 and didn’t know how to turn on the lights. Apparently their is a slot for your room key that you leave in the slot to keep the lights on, new and interesting.DSCN0107I have an attention problem (this is why) walking around I saw a lot of art as advertisements, it was top notch advertisements out there. I looked at all of the big stuff, it caught my attention. I also saw a lot of Graffiti, its everywhere. I usually say that kind of stuff is not a problem but it is in Europe, its everywhere and is usually not a statement, its more just vandalism. So just thinking about me walking down the streets of Milan with my head just swerving left and right every 2 seconds. sad I know.

DSCN0106 At night I got really hungry and met my friend Becca for a late meal, we didn’t expect Milan to be explosive at night. I was greeted at the front of the this street by a 20 something year old guy in a pale pink polo wanting me to take 5 shots with him…. whatttt? Everyone was out and about, people were dressed well to go out. Mind you this was a Tuesday night and people were out in suits and chic dresses. Even older men and older people were out, you could tell who was going to the bars and who was going to dinner. Even children were out, I guess Italians are active late.

DSCN0111It wasn’t hard finding a restaurant, I got some saffron rice and a seafood spaghetti that I was to full to eat so I decided to save it over night and carry it to France. It lasted me 2 meals, it was the best thing I ate in Europe thus far. We sat outside this club called Pixie, and watched the night life. Surprisingly there were a lot of south Asian street vendors there, this was odd because there is a joke that you’ll find an Indian anywhere but to see them on the streets on Milan selling selfie stick and phone chargers was so strange to me. I wasn’t the only one, when they saw me they asked me where I was from and wanted to know why I was there….I just laughed. Most of them where Bengali’s there were a few Indians and Sri Lankans as well.

DSCN0108The meal was around 30 euros for the both of us, when we paid we thought leaving a tip was necessary so we left her a 5 euro bill and the people next to us where laughing. We were kind of arguing how much to leave her or if we should leave her anything at all. I guess its not necessary in Europe, at least in France. I never got to find out what happened after we left her the money.


I realized that street style would require me to take pictures of people randomly on the streets and I didn’t realize exactly how much that weird-ed me out till I tried to do it. So instead I decided to take pictures of store fronts. I kind of feel good about my style after looking at the window shops. Like I am on the right track, I am fashionable for an American 20 year old.

till next time


